Life Remodeled
Life Remodeled is a non-profit organization located in the Dexter-Linwood neighborhood of Detroit. They are focused on creating opportunity hubs within communities and bringing people together to equitably revitalize Detroit’s neighborhoods.
Identity System ︎ 2021

Provided with the opportunity to rebrand Life Remodeled’s outdated branding that had been with them since their humble beginnings.
︎︎︎In collaboration with: Jigyasa Tuli, Veronica Letourneau, and Amelia Rista
Create a bold branding system that spoke to the organization’s core values. A system that carried over a similar language that the surrounding community was already familiar with, pulling motifs and colors from the surrounding area, while bringing a fresh look to the table.
Over the course of fifteen weeks, and entirely remote, we researched, interviewed within the community, ideated late into the night, sketched, and sketched some more. We all truly learned the importance of having a hard working team — teammates that kept a positive mindset, helped out where needed, and were always there to bounce crazy ideas off of.

The colors chosen were selected from the surrounding environment, and the language was made to always be inclusive. “We” was used to signify everyone, from the people in the community to the volunteers working on projects and to even the donors. It was created to be modular and interchangeable. We amplify voices, we work as one, we shape spaces, and we take action.

For the primary identifier the simple outline of a house was used, to take a visual that the residents were familiar with already and modernize it. It was designed to be expandable and fit all of the organization’s branches.

Motifs were pulled from the community, buildings, and actions and turned into a set of icons. The icons were unified with the primary identifier using the same 32° angle throughout.


Durfee Day
Expanding upon Life Remodeled’s goal to create opportunity hubs, a sidewalk sale was invented that would be held where local entrepreneurs, business owners, and sellers could set up and engage with the community. Creating a space for making connections and bringing the community together.

Applications for the Durfee Innovation Society would be offered in entrepreneur kits to expand awareness of the hub within the neighborhood.